Customer: Municipality of Šenčur
Location: Kranj, Šenčur North, Slovenia
Project: project for obtaining building permit, project for execution works
Completion date: 2015
Municipality of Kranj, together with the neighboring municipalities Naklo and Šenčur seen the largest investment in the field of utility infrastructure in the last 40 years in the area. Municipality Šenčur has opted for a professional and comprehensive approach to solving the problem of collecting, discharge and treatment of wastewater in the northern part of the municipality Šenčur. Everywhere it is provided a separate drainage system. All waste waters from households, industry, trade, catering and other facilities are kept in sewers and treatment plant. The area did not have regulated channelized discharges of urban waste water other than those already built. Part of a sewage system in the village Olševek was not operational but after building the planned route it became part of the whole sewerage system for fecal waters in the northern part of the municipality of Šenčur.
New sewage systems allow proper drainage of waste water agglomerations in where load is larger than 2,000 PU. Project documentation in the municipality of Šenčur covered area Hotemaže - Visoko - Luže – Srednja vas and Olševek - Luže, also access to wastewater treatment and optimum performance of the entire sewerage system. The whole system also contributes to the rational operation of the wastewater treatment plant Kranj, which was in 2015, a completely upgraded and reconstructed. When designing we take into account the protection of the environment, geological conditions, existing planning documents, prospective customers and the rational use of underground space. value of the eligible co-funded part of the entire project amounts to 34,767,169.51 € without VAT and are co-financed by the Municipalities of Kranj, Šenčur and Naklo, the EU Cohesion Fund and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.